Welcome to
St Joseph's College, Echuca
St Joseph’s College is a Kildare Education Ministries Catholic co-educational secondary college in the Brigidine tradition.
It has provided quality Catholic education to the Echuca Moama region for almost 140 years.
St Joseph’s College is a dynamic, welcoming and hope-filled school that promotes excellence and equity so that all students can become confident, creative and critical thinkers. We strive to develop liberated learners relating, engaging, inquiring, persevering, challenging, reflecting and learning from each other.
Steeped in our Catholic and Brigidine heritage, we have provided quality education and a vibrant community for the families of northern Victoria and southern NSW since 1886. Our contemporary programs and pathways advance young people's gifts and talents by providing an exciting and challenging range of opportunities to develop spiritually, academically, emotionally and socially.
Through close links with the local community, businesses and training providers, we promote an engagement with the world that is both appropriately flexible and enlivening.
In providing the best education possible for your child, we place a deeply respectful importance on the partnerships established between home and school. Together with our committed staff, we look forward to journeying the school years with our families, as we strive to create an environment where all are inspired to embrace life with strength and kindliness.

Anne Marie Cairns
Welcome from our College Principal
St Joseph’s College Echuca is a Kildare Education Ministries Catholic secondary college steeped in rich Brigidine tradition.
We have a clear focus on learning and teaching to engage students, to enhance their sense of connection and to develop their God-given talents because at the heart of Catholic education is the Christian vision of the human person where we see the individual who is uniquely loved, and we seek to bring that person to human flourishing in all of their dimensions.